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Was Gatsby that Great?

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First of all, I decided to talk about the question that all of us that read The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald may have wondered in the end of the book. Was Gatsby that  Great?
In fact, Gatsby could be considered great by his benevolence to always throw parties and let anyone come in even without an invitation, for giving the dress to the woman, by lending his servants to other people, for actually being generous about his money without expecting anything in change of that, and letting people take advantage of it.
Although Gatsby doesn’t mind being generous, some people see this generosity as Gatsby’s negligence about everything else except Daisy. What besides being true, reveals his obsession about Daisy, and that makes me think that maybe he is just great on planning everything for her, due the fact that all that money that he is spending on the parties and using to achieve the Dream through his eyes, is illegal money and he didn't choose the most clear path to achieve his goods and his status.
Thus, I also wanted to talk about the end of the book and how frustrating it was for me, first of all because of Daisy’s carelessness about Gatsby’s death and the fact that she disappeared with Tom without even an explanation, a last quote on the book. Besides that, Nick Carraway ends the book with we all chase after our dream, believe that one day we'll achieve it—and all the while, we're "boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into our past" (9.151). Which basically leads the reader to think that all of our visions to the future are based on things that happened in the past. Also, as I looked up for some meanings for what message F. Scott Fitzgerald wants to pass for the reader by this end on his book, I found that we are all Gatsby’s trying to achieve Daisy’s (our own Dreams), and sometimes we are so obsessed with chasing our dreams that we end up destroying ourselves for them.
Ultimately, I heard a lot about this book, but I never thought I would be so engaged with it in the end. Not only because it is an American classic and has an amazing story, but also because it teaches you to analyse each part of the book, since the fact that ilustrates the 1920's and the language used, to the wise symbolisms of its colors and objects. This is the kind of book that you finish and you wish you could bring the author back to make a second version or change the end! In my guess, it makes the reader feel that akward but amazing feeling of "What am I going to live for now?"
Resultado de imagem para gif gatsby


  1. SOO in depth and love how you added images , overall love it and I agree about how you did not think you would like it so much, neither did I but I ended up liking it and it is a very good book to discuss!

  2. I totally relate to the feeling you described at the end! I agree that the book is an interesting one to analyze and I personally think that with a book like The Great Gatsby, many people can have multiple different interpretations of the same passage.

  3. I like how you put in your own input on the ending of the book! I agree with you on how it teaches you to analyze the book. It gets more and more interesting as the symbolism of the colors start to make sense towards the end


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